(no subject)

Oct 26, 2010 06:13

I am in my kitchen sitting where my cutting board usually is talking to Sarah, Becca, a guy from my high school (he was in my culinary class and happened to be a gang banger, we will call him Andy) and Carlos from Jack in the Box. The conversation soon  drifted to hair styles. Andy, was talking about how it would be legit if he had corn rows and how thug it would be if he had them. I then flipped off the tam I was wearing to expose my hair and said I needed a haircut and was wondering if anyone wanted to whip me up a new do. Nobody accepted the offer which was rather dissapointing to me.

Sarah then brought up a dog that was running around at a party her becca and I had gone too. We really wanted to show  Andy and Carlos pictures of the dog, we all then walked up to my room pulled out my laptop and started to show piuctures of the party. The party was at a really fancy house, with wood paneling, (think Ivy League office nice) The first picture was of me sitting on a desk, and then the dog was in the background, waaaay int he background.

A story of a woman her mother and a kids football league. 
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