Save North Korean Refugees #SaveMyFriend

Feb 25, 2012 18:55


关注!!!!现在大约有30名北朝鲜人被公安拘留在沈阳市。也许各位不太清楚北朝鲜人被抓后押送到朝鲜后朝鲜政府怎么处置他们。我可以说他们必死无疑!如 果是你们的亲人处在那种情况你们也会袖手旁观吗?让我们一起反对我们政府押送他们到北朝鲜。人的生命比什么都重要。我们的一个关心也许会改变他们的情况~ 请大家跟我一起反对他们被押送到北朝鲜吧!拜托各位了…将他们押送的时间是2月20日。请你们传给周围人。我们一起齐心协力,救他们吧!

Innocent North Korean refugees, some of which are our friends and family, are at risk of execution if repatriated to North Korea on February 20th.

This case is important because it is the first arrest of North Korean refugees in China after Kim Jung-il's death. Kim Jung-un, the son of Kim Jung-il and NK's current leader, declared that refugees who flee North Korea during the 100-day mourning period of his father's death would be annihilated along with their families. 

30 have been caught, but many more lives are at risk -- North Koreans that are caught trying to defect are faced with the cruelest death sentence, often preceded by a long process of torture or excruciating labor. This is because the North Korean government perceives defectors as the number one threat to their authority.

If the international community, especially China, doesn’t take a strong stance on saving North Korean refugees once and for all, they are guilty of supporting the death of thousands of innocent lives. China has the power and opportunity to rewrite history and stop one of the greatest atrocities of our time -- on behalf of our friends and family, we plea, please help #SaveMyFriend!

Your 30 seconds could save 30 lives. SIGN & SHARE with your friends via social media.

Tweet: Please #SaveMyFriend -- sign

We will continue to collect signatures until we know they are free, utilizing your voice along with thousands of others to show the world that we care. We would also like to make clear that this is not a political movement; we simply want to #SaveMyFriend.

Please help us keep the momentum going!

TWEET #SAVEMYFRIEND and Follow us on Twitter ( for more updates; let's start a "revolution" online to save these lives.


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