Dec 30, 2004 00:22
Live Pearl Jam makes me feel normal. For the 40 seconds McCready solos on Yellow Ledbetter, I forget I'm in Gastonia. I forget I'm driving somewhere. I forget I'm on the road, period. I forget that most of my friends suck. I forget that most of the people I would want to have for friends suck, but I just don't realize it because I'm not around them much. I forget how hypocritical everyone around me is. I forget that college isn't going to be any better. I forget how much I hate people that worry so much about social issues and other shit that they neglect the things much, much closer to home. I forget how much I hate people, in general. I forget that whatever day it is, the night before I came to terms once again with how insignificant my life and everyone elses is and how it's not normal for me and that thought to cross paths so often. I forget that I'd rather stab myself 20 times and live than go back to school in 5 or so days.
One day, I'll play like Mike McCready and some kid out there will say the same thing about me...And my life will finally serve some purpose...And I'll finally be happy with the events of a given day. One day, I'll be able to play the cello, bass guitar, harmonica, violin, and piano and will have made cover songs with each instrument. One day, I won't have to bother with ridiculous fucks.
One day, I won't have to bother with oblivous posers who talk endlessly about how much they hate posers. Posers have been annoying the piss out of me lately. Mostly, I'm talking in terms of music. I know people who listen to Tool and Justin Timberlake. Others who listen to Classic Rock and Emo. Others who listen to Metallica and Rap. And still others who listen to Nirvana and whatever shit is currently playing on popular music channels.
I simply don't understand it. If I ever lose the deep, deep hatred for myself I would feel in my soul by placing Justin Timberlake after Tool, Dashboard after Led Zeppelin, P-Diddy after Metallica, or Avril Lavigne after Nirvana on any playlist or CD...I would simply shoot myself on the spot.
I'm not saying it's repulsive to enjoy both Tool and Justin Timberlake just because I don't understand it, but please have some respect for what you're saying. If you're a HUGE fan of both Tool and Justin Timberlake, you are the most hypocritical and confused person I have ever seen. You have absolutely no respect for the abilities and talents of Maynard, Danny, Justin, and Adam. And I know this because if you had any respect for their skills, you would do everyone a favor and hurl yourself off something tall for doing anything but loathing JT and everyone of his pop-star friends.
I'm done...Go ahead and yell at me for my feelings on musical hypos.