Moar Do the Shuffle, lol

Jun 18, 2013 14:24

I did more of these last night, will probably do some more tonight, as well. If I can get my lazy but to write something other than this magnificent blog post about receiving critique. Because I got plenty of it for Seize the Day and it is all amazing.

Title: I Don't Know
Your Song: Carry on My Wayward Son - Kansas
Word Count: 268
Rating: PG
Fandom or Original: The Tomorrow Trilogy (Seize the Day)
Pairings (if any): Mentions of Savin/Mari
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/etc): None, really
Summary: Hajime asks Savin some rather difficult questions.

“What is it that you want, Savin?” Hajime asked, glancing over at Savin briefly. He had his hands folded in his lap, back pressed against his seat. They sat in Capital City’s Central Park, the trees losing their leaves around them.

Savin hardly glanced at his father as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He picked at his jeans -- picked at anything, really, as he tried to think of a response. “I don’t -- I don’t know, Father,” he whispered, pulling his knees to his chest. He rested his feet on the bench, leaning his forehead against his legs as he wrapped his arms around them. “I love Mari.”

“Are you sure about that?” Hajime pressed, putting a light hand on Savin’s shoulder. Usually, Savin would have brushed the hand away, but this time, he let it stay there.

“I don’t know,” he breathed finally, feeling his eyes and face burn with the admission. He didn’t know. He didn’t know whether he loved the supposed girl of his dreams. All because a young blond haired man had entered his life. All because he and Mari had lost a child together, couldn’t pull through the loss together.

“Then I think you have your answer,” Hajime said, withdrawing his hand. Savin heard him sigh. A heavy, unwelcoming sound. “You need to speak with Mari.”

“Don’t you think I’ve tried?”

“I’m sure you haven’t tried as hard as you could,” Hajime answered wryly. “You like to skirt around the issues. Pretend they aren’t there.”

Savin didn’t know how to respond to that.

Title: Don't Bother
Your Song: You Give Love a Bad Name - Bon Jovi
Word Count: 188
Rating: PG-13
Fandom or Original: The Tomorrow Trilogy (Surrender the Night)
Pairings (if any): Jazz/Mitchel
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/etc): Mentions of nakedness/previous sexual encounters
Summary: Mitchel pushes for something he should have let go long, long ago.

Jazz glared at Mitchel, pulling his clothes on quickly. “The fuck do you want from me?” he cried through his tears, slipping his shirt over his head. “I can’t be with you, Mitchel. I can’t. We’ve been down this road before -- I don’t wanna fucking do it again.”


“Don’t -- don’t fucking call me that,” Jazz hissed, pulling his belt through the loops of his pants and tightening it around his waist. “Just -- don’t even bother, okay? I don’t wanna talk about this. I don’t want to even think about what just happened -- I just wanna move on. Forget.”

“You still wish to be with him, after all that’s happened?” Mitchel asked, raising an eyebrow. He remained sitting on the bed, his sheets covering his legs. Sheets Jazz had lay under just moments ago, his head on Mitchel’s shoulder, one leg curled around Mitchel’s.

Like they were lovers. Like they had always been lovers. Except, except --

“Of course I do,” Jazz admitted quietly, searching the room for his socks. He sat down on the edge of the bed, “I love him.”

Title: Warning
Your Song: I Ran (So Far Away) - Flock of Seagulls
Word Count: 126
Rating: PG
Fandom or Original: The Tomorrow Trilogy (Gray Morning)
Pairings (if any): Implied Jazz/Ravi
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/etc): None, really.
Summary: Jazz makes a very unsettling connection and realizes he needs to go back.

Jazz sighed, putting his head in his hands as he collapsed against Ravi’s car. He had to go back. He couldn’t stay here, not any longer. He could feel Ravi’s eyes on him, could feel the strange look Ravi must have had on his face.

“You’re part of the Resistance,” Jazz groaned between his fingers, slowly sliding them down his face. “And if -- if you’re part of the Resistance, Mitchel --”

He didn’t want to think about it. Didn’t want to think about what that meant for him -- what that meant for Savin. His heart sank to the ground, crashing against the cold concrete. Savin. Savin didn’t know. Probably wouldn’t even suspect it.

“I have to warn him,” Jazz breathed.

novel: surrender the night, pairing: jazz/mitchel, pairing: savin/mari, rating: pg, writerverse, trigger: death, original fiction, character: mitchel, pairing: jazz/ravi, character: savin, the tomorrow trilogy, character: hajime, character: ravi, rating: pg-13, character: jazz, novel: seize the day, novel: gray morning

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