all work and no play makes anna wanna KILL

Mar 02, 2004 13:31

This weekend sucked.  Timmy was out haveing eye surgery, so despite the fact that we didn't need him to, Rick came in to work.  He's the other owner, Timmy's brother, and he never comes in there, except to get food once in a great while.  He just stays away and let's the place make him money.  Anyway, he wanted to come in and boss us around and "set somethings straight" before we move to the new place.  He's like the frigging gestapo.  When he was bossing us around, Timmy's gf Maryellen held her arm up like the Nazis did...and she couldn't have been more dead on.  He's like Hitler sometimes.  He walks in there, questions what I'm doing, and everyone else for that matter, when he doesn't even know how things are done?  That's BS.  He doesn't know how to write orders down, he thinks we don't know how to read orders, and everytime he would go by us to put a sub order up he repeats everything he wrote to me as if I couldn't read.  I was just trying not to scream out, "We're busy, it's the middle of dinner, and you don't know shit about how we do things.  Just shut up, give us the goddam slip, and let us do our f***ing job!"  And the guy can be so nice sometimes, he likes me, and I'm one of the VERY few whom he's never yelled at, but he's gotta realize some shit first before he decides to come in there and boss everyone around.  He doesn't like people taking breaks, and despite there only being 3 of us friday night after dinner to clean up, me being the only sub girl working, having steady orders all night AND us still having to do everything on the closing list for the night, he's pressuring us to do all this extra bullshit scrubbing and cleaning of stuff that will not ever come clean (like corners underneath equipment that hasn't moved in 15 years) when most of the stuff, not to mention the whole frigging building, is going to be destroyed and torn down anyway when we move to the new place in a month and a 1/2.  So friday I was busting my ass working 11 hours with no break making sure I made no mistakes during dinner and trying to get everything on the list done plus his bullshit grunt work done with no break out of fear that he'll freak out on me.  I had to work 4 days in a row with this guy.  But on the plus side, he's always liked me, and working with me this weekend made him realize I'm a good worker and I know what I'm doing (he even said that, which made me feel pretty good).  But now we have Timmy back, so that's a relief.  All is good now...I just needed to vent.  I think I'm gonna go read then go to class.  Peace
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