when everyone ran- I mean "evacuated"... and i chose to stay behind it wasnt because I was uhmm... denying you guys'es generiousity it was because BELEIVE IT OR NOT. I'm psychic! I can say that will full confidence that none of you will beleive me. Jeff probably said it best when he said "i'm so painfully full of shit it hurts" that may or may not be true. but the fact of the matter is did choose to stay behind because i did know it wasnt going to be a threat. but wait wait. I got ahead of myself, there ....... WAS a few instances of terror Rita caused... here's one. NOT SAFE FOR WORK or children.
THE HORROR!!!!!!!! >_< >_< >_<
anyway guys.. there is another reason i didnt want to leave aside the fact that im apsychicandiknewitwasgonnahit asacat3andchangecourse ectectect. BUT ANYWAY. :3 Remember the steven reiber incident? i know some of you do. I absolutly L O A T H E parties and for me 1 bad apple spoils the bunch I hate how stupid people get when they consume alcohol. and i had a feeling that if i had fled to austin i'd be stuck in a tiny apartment with a HOARD of people i didnt know, all drinking. i wouldnt have the slightest escape and id be stuck and id be WISHING i have stayed in desctructions wake.
I didnt mean to insult any of you.. I know you were scared and afraid and "better safe than sorry" but honestly beacuse i stayed, that doesnt give any of you the right to call me stupid or other such things. and my post about the bald eagle? c'mon thats funny. I didnt have any of you in mind when i posted it. infact i didnt even mention you guys. I knew it wasnt going to hit so i made a joke out of it. so SORRY to push any buttons. This message doesnt go out to ONE person it goes out as a generic message to anyone who felt offended or who might have called me an idiot.