Jan 24, 2005 22:56
there is something that i would love to post up here but i am too worried about what all could happen. there are only two people that i have ever trusted to read it. I don't like to share my personal writing with anyone. i am too scared of other people's opinions on it. i don't want to write something using all the passion in my heart and have one person go "it sucks." i know i should have more faith in my own work, but what can i say? i fear failure and i fear disappointment to others. it's not an easy fear to get over, and you can only take your fears head on one at a time. one thing i don't fear is death. while i am not ready RIGHT NOW for it, i do not fear it. i am looking forward to knowing just what there is after death. do you think the dead person's soul watches the funeral? i would watch mine. i am looking forward to when i'm 48.
life is a jungle ... the two people who have actually heard my work would understand what that means.