Sep 02, 2005 11:38
having 3 back to back to back classes that start at 830AM sucks. ..i dropped Colonial Latin America..cuz well i want a 3.5. Instead i picked up Environmental Geology or somthing like that, should be cake. should be. i think.
so heres the final schedule for all those readers out there:
M/W/F 8:30 Geology
9:30 experimental learning (again, cuz i got a C and i want an A)
10:30 20th centruy europe (not gonna be easy, but fun prof)
2:00 Developmental Psych
T/Th 10:45 Sr.something capstone thing (with koeske, so its an A)
1:00 Organzational Psych (i dunno, Wenk failed it, so im prolly gonna have to study)(maybe)
so...yep. then i work M/T/W/S 5-11:30 max. also..M/F/S is SAB days for me. movies meetings other things like that. hey, at least im gonna keep myself busy. right?>>>>> /suicide.
ps. i think im getting a bloody cold or something. fuckin sick people getting me sick, dem motherfucks.
really now, what would a entry be if I didnt say at least 1100 fuck words...yamean?