One Should Never Be Leary of the Internet...

Jan 11, 2008 00:33

Well, Sakura and her boyfriend (which I somehow have still forgotten to name) were able to visit town recently. It was a blast catching up with the two of them, and I hope to see them again (especially Sakura). There was fun to be had overall, especially when I got even more footage for a small collection that's been building (sometimes it defies logic how I can get away with these things), and need to name especially enjoyed it, naturally word spread about major events that have happened to me over the past few months, and I was congratulated. There was all kinds of talking and chinese food and what not. Overall it was fun. It's a fitting end to the first week, which has seen me be surrounded by girls in my Spanish class (again), only need one book, and without the urge to do unspeakable things to one of my professors. So far, so good. Now sleep.
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