(no subject)

May 29, 2009 22:53


NAME: Franz Cochrane
STATUS: Observation subject
SPECIES: Periplaneta Sapiens (verification pending)
REASON FOR APPEAL: Potential danger to Agents and Staff, Destructive tendencies

Cheryl sighed and got up from her desk, wings flicking as they smoothed out completely. Truthfully she didn't want to complete this form anyway, so the first exacting question was also the first exacting excuse to do something else.

He hadn't gone through any kind of psychological evaluation. As a matter of fact Cochrane had stayed in his lab for almost three weeks straight after being relocated. Ugh, if only Manning hadn't played the got-no-choice routine on him, this wouldn't have--

No. No, it would have happened anyway. The man is a totally different species now, of course the transition in his head wasn't going to be a bumpy one. She gave another hissing sigh as she yanked open a filing cabinet and started to rummage through it. Not that she pitied him. He was still stupid enough to blow up his quarters and half the Bureau Store on the level above that. There's no excuse for conduct like that.

Well. In any case, he was going to be evaluated very closely now. There were guards in place, to make sure nut-cases like him stay in the Bureau for the good of the city. Until she was sure he wasn't a nut-case... she was going to have to postpone filing that form. Yes, it was procrastinating, but it was justified procrastination.

She harrumphed and abandoned her search for the file, knocking her hip against the drawer to close it. She was having the hardest time thinking straight today... She hit the speaker to Manning's office and announced she was going to lunch, and quickly scuttled out through the doorway into the colorful corporate byway of humans going out for burgers or sushi or just-a-light-salad, and non-humans coming in for their cafeteria fare.

open, manning, scene, doctor cockroach

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