Things, things, and more things.

Nov 20, 2006 20:58

There are several things to be said today.

thing 1- I broke my glasses in two pieces in Saturday so I am officially blind. BLIND!
thing 2- I have a concert tomorrow at which I will need to play a piece I haven't played in three weeks. Woo.
thing 3- I am still sick. I don't know how that happened. I was feeling much better and then a spiked a fever making me re-contagious. Suck Fest. Also, I've missed all classes since last Tuesday and I'm horribly behind. Horribly.
thing 4- I miss my BSU friends. A lot. And now I won't see them until after Thanksgiving break. Major suckage.
thing 5- I get to see all my NC friends!! WootWoot!
thing 6- Chorale trip Wednesday. Yay!!!
thing 7- I love my new user pic. It makes me all kinds of happy. :)
thing 8- That is all.
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