Jun 15, 2005 15:31
Why are some people so creepy? and why are they attracted to me?
So today I was at Barnes&Noble minding my own business looking for some books to buy with my giftcard. Suddenly there is a middle-aged middle eastern man standing entirely too close to me so I move down the aisle a little but he follows me. He then proceeds to introduce himself and tell me how pretty my eyes are. I say thank you and quickly move to another section of the store. Not five minutes later he is walking towards me again. He continues, as though our conversation were uninterupted and consensual, complimenting my hair and so forth and asking me how old i was, if I were married, and to join him at a table in the corner. I tell him no and that I have to go. Following me he asks where I tell him i have to meet someone and quickly walk up the escalator with him close behind offereing to walk me. I say no thanks and practically run over to a coffee table where an employee is sitting. I tell the employee about the creepy man following me, all the while the creepy man is watching from a near by book stand, and he gets the manager. I tell the manager who says he will ask the guy to leave and would call the cops if necessary. As soon as the manager starts walking towards him the guy runs out of the store. I attempt to finish looking at books but am too creeped out to really give them much consideration. The manager checked on me occassionally to make sure the man hadnt returned. When I was done and checking out the manager offered to walk me to my car in case the guy was lingering outside, I happily agreed. And so concluded my adventure with the creepy guy.