Apr 13, 2008 16:51
parakletos- if you are reading this on my posting board (of course you are reading this on my posting board) it is because i don't know what i'm doing. well, this will have to be good enough. the point, you say? i have friended you. i like your writing so i've added you. a bit flustering to do it this way, but there it is.
thanks for the reads.
---page break---
since i'm here, let it be known that old navy and the gap are almost-but-not-quite as expensive (if you do it right) as gymboree so i have decided to bite the bullet. gymboree is higher quality (in general) anyway. ahem.
just thought i'd...throw that out there.
(edited the following day)
i *hate* spelling errors in my writing with a passion. yours are okay. don't ask me why.
annoyed at the high cost of clothing my