Feb 23, 2006 20:02
It's nothing I can put in words, It's not a feeling you can describe, Empty comes is as close as I can without being to inacurate, but It's not emptiness, it's more then that, It's like feeling desolation. On a grand scale, it's waking up one day and staring outside and seeing nothing for miles, just dust and the ground with no one else around you. You sit, and you wonder were everyone went, what happened to that nice couple a few doors down with the sweet little kids. You get up, you go downstairs and you turn on the tv, thinking maybe the news can tell you what happened, but there is no more news, It's just you. That's what it feels like, there are all these people around you, but all you can see is the dust, for miles. Desolation and desperation, the two feelings of my life.