Fackin Bishes

Dec 28, 2005 13:38

Brag time.

So apparently my father found a broken Xbox in Iraq and took it him because the place was abandoned and the Xbox was broken anyways. Well, we found out that the fuse was fried and simply replaced it and stuff, so nowww

I apparently own an Xbox.

I also received a ps2 for Xmas. Not the old ones, but the new sleek small ones that you can almost put in your pocket.

Santa dropped off a Portable dvd player that has an adapter for games, so....That means I just put my dvd player on top of my ps2 and play on my bed. The total size is smaller than the xbox itself.


Got some games for it and tons of clothing. And some moolah and other stuff.

Why am I telling you this? Because I feel happy and I want to spread the joy. I hope you all did just as well. Because then I feel as if I really am bragging, which I dont believe I do that often anyways.

So suck it. >:)

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