X-Men 'Ship Ponderings

Oct 03, 2010 05:05

When I first got into X-Men (via Adam saying three words: "Hugh Jackman Naked" then I was entranced by Famke's adorable bouncy ponytail) I was a total Jean/Logan shipper, and they are still most definitely my OTP. In any 'verse, although X-Men Forever has my love for canonizing it...

Anyway, and as with all fandoms, I needed a femslash OTP, too, which proved difficult, since Famke REFUSED TO BE SLASHY! Frickin' straight women... *muttermutter* Anyway. I read various forms of femslash (Jean/Emma? NOTHX!) and finally settled on the pairing of adorable... Jean/Kitty. Shut up, I don't care that Kitty's underage LOL

And then, because of that dang triangle, I found myself with a Scott/Jean/Logan OT3... big surprise, right? LOL

Randomly? I can't get behind Beast. I try, I really do, but it just... it's practically bestiality, man! I mean, sure, he is, technically, human, BUT HE'S A BLUE APE! AND THEN A BLUE CAT-THING! X-Men Forever lost the kudos I gave it when they paired Jean with Hank. Srsly. Ew.

And what IS it with them pairing Jean with everybody, anyway?! Warren, Scott, Logan, Hank, Kurt (not as ew as Hank, but definitely not hot, either. Tolerable, if really weird)

Oh, I also kinda ship Jean with Erik. *hides* I KNOW OKAY?! I KNOW! Sure, it's geriatric, and sure, it would only work as a completely fucked up, borderline-abusive-kinda-incestuous-Stockholm-Syndrome-esque manipulative fuckfest, but... aren't those the best kind, sometimes? LOL

Not Charles, tho. THAT'S just gross. He's too... creepy. I mean, at least Erik is open about his bastardness, Charles tries to hide it and pretend he's all squeaky clean, which makes him even more of a bastard, IMO.

Oh, and someone mentioned Pietro being totally gay in X-Men: Evolution? I vote bi. He totally wants a three-way with Jean and Scott. Toh-tah-lee.

OH! SPEAKING OF EVO-VERSE! Hullo, WHY has nobody slashed the FUCK outta Walk on the Wildside?! HELL-O PEOPLE! Freaking girlslash ORGY waiting to happen there! Or just Jean and Kitty, I'd be happy with that... *grins and drools*

Edit: So I just watched the ep again... can has Jean/Amara and/or Jean/Amara/Kitty slash? When Jean and Amara were dancing together? Guh. And Jean/Amara/Kitty would just be the epitome of hotness. And yes, I know, I'm a total perv, Kitty and Amara are only like, 14 in this 'verse... Don't care. LOL

Edit x2: Jean's Siren hair makes me sad. But the black latex outfits totally reinforce my lesbianism. Jus' sayin'.

You know, I think, Evo-verse, I may actually pair Kitty and Logan... they're kinda adorable together, especially in... er... the ep where Kitty's emailing her parents LOL I don't remember which ep that was. But they were so very shippy and cute.

I haven't figured out a boyslash OTP yet... it's so complicated, you know? Usually I like my boyslash with a girl thrown in, too. Like Jean/Logan/Remy or Jean/Logan/Scott. But maybe Logan/Remy or Logan/Scott on their own would be good...

Also, I feel like the only person in existence who doesn't like Rogue. Anybody else? *looks for raised hands* I just don't get the love vibe from her. ESPECIALLY in Evo. She's a cunt in Evo. The movies I like her, sorta, mainly cuz Anna rocks the white streak something epic, but as a character, yeah, still not a fan.

Um... yeah, I think that about covers it... for the moment, anyway LOL

babble, fandom, x-men

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