Act III, Scene I

Oct 16, 2006 19:09

Act I, Scene I
Act I, Scene II
Act II, Scene I
Act II, Scene II

Act III, Scene I

Okay, so I probably should have posted this earlier, hm? Like, when it happened LOL

Right, so here is the course of events. After the lovely Act II, Scene II, when I decided to leave chenzel_love I had something of a change of heart. I mean, let's face it... despite the painfully huge MASS of badfic posted there, there are some decent authors who, unfortunately, f-lock their posts. Bastards.

So I figured that I'd rejoin so I could read the fic, right? Sounds like a plan...

Oh, but before I did, I emailed pinksummerrain and we ended up chatting, and now she's friended and thus can read this! LOL

Anyway, so I went to join chenzel_love again, and nothing nothing nothing... then, like, a week or two later, my membership is denied. I'm kinda "WTF?" about it, so I ask Hayley. She says she noticed it, put off responding, and figured that my request expired or something. So I joined again. Same thing. So I IMed Hayley again, and through a stupidly long series of events (seriously, it is not usually that difficult to get added to a comm) I become a member. Yay for me! LOL

So everything's goin' good for, like, a week. Then I actually post something. Those of you on chenzel_love may or may not remeber... I posted a request to manippers to use their artwork (credited and all that shit) in a music video I'm making. I'm on moderated posts. Kinda, whatever, about that, I was expecting it.

Next day, post is approved, Hayley replies, blowers_daughtr replies... that afternoon, I go to reply to blowers_daughtr and what do I find? Some message about how I can't comment because I'm not listed as a friend of the journal. W.T.F.

I IM Hayley AGAIN (Yes, I really do like you for you! LOL) and ask about it. She's got no clue, but we quickly come to the conclusion that I've been booted. No warning, no reason. On top of that, sometime that day, I believe it was, my post was deleted. So, during that conversation with Hayley, she tells me that I should take it up with Chelsea, and gives me her AIM s/n.

So I add Chelsea to my AIM buddy list (yes, I needed a shower after doing that) and I wait. And I wait. And I wait. And a good week goes by, and she's not online.

Guess what I did then? Yup. Today I IMed Hayley, asking if Chelsea was EVER online. That opened a whole discussion I won't go into, 'cuz it's Hayley's business, but suffice it to say, Chelsea seems to not only hate me and act like a child about it, but she now seems to hate everyone who has my friended.

Lovely, no?

And surprisingly, despite all the bullshit I've gone through with her, all I want to do is tell her that I want to join chenzel_love and that if she doesn't want me there, fine, but if she lets me join, she can keep me on the moderated posts forever, she can moderate every fucking thing I say on there, hell, she can block me from posting, I don't care. I just wanna read the fucking stories.

But whatever. I'm so done with it this time. It's not worth my time or my effort. Especially since I have friends who are members there, and can send me new fic. [cozies up to yan00b]

babble, fandom, rant, chenzel_love

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