Mar 14, 2009 01:47
I realized just recently, that not too long ago I felt really blessed. I was always busy, had stuff to do all the time, and was surrounded by friends. I don't feel that way anymore.
I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, because I'm not, I have no one to blame but myself. I've just noticed that I don't hear from the few friends I have who live around here anymore, and I dunno if that's because I'm kind of broke and don't go out anymore, or because I've spent so much time working on myself lately... or what. But I do know that I feel like the people I still maintain a close relationship with have all sprawled out in different directions. My best friend lives like an hour and a half or so away, and I'm too broke to visit him and he's too busy to visit often. My other best friend is about the same distance away for most of the week, I will admit I feel less lonely when he is in town though.
Meanwhile the other people who I've come to be really close with are either super busy, concentrating on their relationships, don't call me back very often, or live in another state. I feel kind of bummed and lonely about it, but I guess what I really want is to be active and busy again, to have people around me...
I dunno, it'd be nice though.
Much love,