Feb 14, 2009 11:27
I could talk about love here, lack of love, or whatever else people talk about on Valentine's Day... but I really don't feel like it. I'm fighting off one of my bouts of depression and I'd really rather talk about a subject that doesn't remind me of how mundane and empty my life has been as of late. So, we're gonna talk about my recent addiction to CSI for starters. Haha, because I said so dammit. Seriously though, I recently discovered fancast.com and it's just the worst thing that could've happened because it lets me watch all the current season's episodes of CSI and the most recent episodes of many shows. I've already caught up on the original CSI and CSI: New York... now I'm getting my David Caruso on with CSI: Miami. Good lord, that man can deliver one liners. It's fairly obscene how many lines he can deliver per episode. You can always tell when one is coming cuz he either takes off or puts on his glasses, it's as if he's making fun of himself at this point... and if he isn't... I am. My all time favorite is the following:
Dr. Alexx Woods: He died hours before this accident ever happened.
Horatio Caine (Aka David Caruso): So our accident is not an accident at all.
I mean, come on, that's just a simple statement of fact, but he puts his glasses on and grizzles it out in such a fashion that you can't fucking resist it. While we're at it, it should be mentioned I have deemed CSI: New York my favorite of the three, now that William Peterson is no longer playing Gil Grissom on the original. It lost it's damn edge without Grissom, haha. Plus, I have a very minor man crush on Gary Sinise.
Alright, alright.... I'll stop ranting about CSI and get onto the real business. For starters, I think I have only had a Valentine on Valentine's day... twice in my life, maybe one other time, if I can recall. On top of that, my Valentine's days are notoriously crappy usually. The only memorable one was last year's. Me and a bunch of friends, bought a bunch of beer, a spicy three cheese pizza, and watched the Dawn of The Dead remake. Pretty good right? Except for the fact that I passed out half way through, it was a good night. But if last year was the top of the heap, this year has to be the bottom of the metaphorical god damn barrel. No love life, and when I say no love life... I mean my dating career has been basically stale for two years now. To add to matters, I've been pretty depressed lately, sleeping a lot, uninspired, no job. My plans today are to simply clean around the house, write, watch more CSI, eat, have a beer or two, and watch the Christopher Titus stand up special on Comedy Central entitled: "Love is Evol". But, that's not to say I don't like the holiday. In fact, I quite enjoy it, I'm just not lucky in regards to it. So to all of you who have someone, have a lovely evening, and have some wild crazy red satin sheet ripping after dinner sex. I'd say think of me, but that's a little weird.
I'd be out at a bar partying it up if I had a job, and in turn money. I would also have to be out of this damn depression. I think I just fall into slumps when I lack things to do. I'm counteracting this current slump by forcing myself to write, do chores, and job hunt. Wish me luck I guess, I won't need it I don't think, this happens every time I'm unemployed or suffering from involuntary chronic boredom. Oh, and if you hear anyone say, "Fuck Valentine's Day!" it's because they're bitter, lonely, and not a lot of fun.
Love always,