
Sep 25, 2011 00:03

[He looks unusually stoic. There's a dry smile on his face. Bitter almost...?]

I've never been told by someone that they love me before.

[Smile fades somewhat.]

But now they're gone. [His eyes flit off the screen.] So I guess it doesn't really matter. [A pause. No, he will not look at the camera.] Tch. It was probably..Stockholm's Syndrome ( Read more... )

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[Video] firstchildnoah September 25 2011, 05:08:23 UTC
[Oh, Izaya. She's knows that feeling quite well. At least, yours didn't turn out as bad as hers. Still, she is quite fond of him and wouldn't wish anything terrible on him]

I'm sorry.

[She genuinely means that]


[Video] thetrollprince September 25 2011, 05:15:30 UTC
It's not like anyone died.


So he'll just sort of be slightly bitter. ON EDGE. Not towards her of course. You know. But force a smile because optimism wins..!]


[Video] firstchildnoah September 25 2011, 05:30:24 UTC
I suppose that is true~ Though, I have to admit someone dying would be a lot more exciting. [Huffs] It would make this place a lot less boring.


Oh, she wouldn't dream of provoking him, even if it is the first time she's seen him act like a human, so she'll just go along with the flow]


Re: [Video] thetrollprince September 25 2011, 05:34:33 UTC
[It's okay, he'll be fine!]

Tehahaha! Yeah, it would, wouldn't it? Maybe if they actually stayed dead. I may or may not have crippled a boy a few weeks ago who was forced to euthanize himself, like a dog, but he came back.

And I thought, where's the fun in that?

[Yeah he'll be good. He doesn't like the whole emotional thing a lot himself.]


[Video] firstchildnoah September 25 2011, 06:07:55 UTC
[Leaning closer to the SFC, Rhode's eyes widen in interest at his little story.]

I suppose the snow was a rather nice touch, but much preferred those fish monsters attacking. Oh, really? [Letting out a sigh, a little pout appears on her face.] It sounds like you had so much fun.

It does take out the fun in killing. Still, I suppose watching the fear appear in their eyes whenever they catch sight of you is a good exchange.

[Emotions do tend to be a drag]


[Video] thetrollprince September 25 2011, 06:14:41 UTC
[Faux shiver. He loves the winter.]

But it's so cold~! [Nod.] I do. You could too if you tried harder, you know. You're too busy pretending to be good.

Oh, it really is actually. I like to talk to him still but he's still too polite to just tell me to go away now.

[Who needs them anyway? He's doing just fine now~.]


[Video] firstchildnoah September 25 2011, 08:24:00 UTC
[She likes the winter time, but it's no fun without people to torment play with]

It's not that cold. [She's used to harsher winters since living in Britain] Oh, that's rather mean saying I'm not a good girl! Besides, I like moving around without the Exorcists watching my every move~

[She giggles] Really? I suppose you're having fun with that.


[Video] thetrollprince September 25 2011, 17:31:52 UTC
[No but there's way around that. Why do they not hang out more.]

No. Unfortunately not. But I like to wear my longer jacket annnyway.

Oh! But aren't you a bad girl? That was my assumption~. I don't know if I have any want to hang out with a good girl~. They're boooring.

Nn! Yeah. I should really invite you on my endeavors more often.


[Video] firstchildnoah September 25 2011, 21:23:13 UTC
[Unless, they find willing victims which are very hard to find. She's suddenly wants Tyki around because she can bully persuade him into playing. I have no idea. They need to have a tea party or get together]

Of course, I'm a good girl~ [Smirk. She doesn't mean it in conventional way] I always make sure to finish a job that needs to be done and never make too big of a mess~ Well, I don't make messes that are hard to clean up! Though, I do suppose that not doing my homework might and killing my tutors might be a little bit bad.

I'd be happy to join~ Besides, it sometimes easier with two people. [She's used to having family to order around, so it's weird to do stuff on her on]


[Video] thetrollprince September 25 2011, 21:57:16 UTC
[I vote tea party.]

Nya, just like I'm a good boy~. [His expression reflects her. Why couldn't she have been his sister?] I like a woma- er, girl with that diligence. Ah that is frowned upon by the average person, yes.

Oh I was thinking it was just more fun when you had someone to share the memories with. [He's used to being alone so-.]


[Video] firstchildnoah September 25 2011, 23:07:39 UTC
[Yes, a tea party would be totally amazing.]

I know you are~ [Who knows? Perhaps the universe developed a sense of self-preservation or the fact they were born in different dimensions and time periods]Besides, sometimes half fun is completing the job...when it isn't simply watching people Well, Papa nor Tyki don't really seem to mind, but I know my stepmother frets about my tutors constantly disappearing.

Yes, it is much more fun when you have someone else to reminisce with. [A little smile appears on her face, for a moment it looks oddly wistful, but it could simply be a trick of the light since she's still all smiles] Plus, it's nice to have someone to talk, if it the task turns boring.


Re: [Video] thetrollprince September 26 2011, 00:44:38 UTC
[...Details. Who cares about time periods and universes anyway?] Heyyy, I like watching people. There's nothing wrong with that. [Don't diss his hobby.] When do you become an adult in your parents' eyes?

[He catches it but..doesn't comment of course. Why would he?] That's right. It's always nice to be able to talk to him. [Little scowl.] Someone. Always lovely to be able to talk to someone.


[Video] firstchildnoah September 26 2011, 05:32:13 UTC
[True. Rhode herself doesn't really follow the rules of the universe, so why should she start now?] I never said that anything was wrong with it~ [It's not her fault that she becomes easily bored] Well, I probably never become an adult in my Papa's eyes, not if he can help it. My mother already keeps telling me I should act more grown up and ladylike, but it's easy to ignore her~ [Not to mention, she doesn't plan on growing up anytime soon]

[It is a rather touchy subject] Of course, it's nice to talk to someone who shares your interest. Though, you're much more fun than most of the people I'm with. [Really, the akuma servants are boring to talk to. Plus, she end up stuck with the idiot Twins]


[Video] thetrollprince September 26 2011, 13:32:27 UTC
What about physically? After all, you do still look like a child for the most part. Or at least a teenager~. And I understand. Fathers never want their girls to grow up. [His own case was a bit unusual but that could be saved for laaater.]

I'll have to agree with you. You're one of my interact with. Always have something intriguing to say~. [Granted, he obviously knows full well she isn't human but for the sake of appearances, he'll keep on calling her a human.] Besides, it helps that you actually have an opinion on things instead of just listen.


[Video] firstchildnoah September 26 2011, 14:07:19 UTC
Well, I won't be growing up anytime soon~ Unless, I really want to which I don't. It's nice to be this young and cute~ Besides, if I do decide to grow up, then I won't be able to wear my favorite dresses anymore. [She shrugs] I suppose that's true.

Well, you're one my favorite humans here to talk to. [She says this with the utmost sincerity since most humans tend to bore her] Well, when you visit and travel to different places, you end up learning new and intriguing things~ Well, I like expressing myself because people have the funniest expression or reactions. [Plus, she's essentially the second in command]


Re: [Video] thetrollprince September 28 2011, 04:39:26 UTC
What, do you choose when you grow up or something? [Not like that'd be unusual to hear or anything.]

Oh am I now? I should be your absolute favorite. [He's flattered anyway though.] That's very true. And Vatheon is quite the bubble of knowledge what with all of these people roaming around from different worlds.

Ah, Rhode, you and I are quite alike in that regard. I can respect someone who enjoys the social aspect of body language. Humans are so predictably amusing, nya?


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