
Jul 12, 2011 09:17

[Video flickers onto Izaya at his desk. This should become a pretty usual scene by now, guys. He's spinning around in his chair, laughing his ass off. But for once, the laughter seems completely genuine rather than his trademark insane laughter.]

I love this city, I LOVE THIS CITY~! The people, the sights, the sounds! Nya~!

[He stops abruptly and ( Read more... )


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thetrollprince July 13 2011, 15:37:10 UTC
[He taps his chin. For his family? For a moment, he thinks of his mother. But.]


[He tilts his head to the side and a weird sort of expression fills his face. What a big question to ask.]

He...[He's never been asked so directly, so calmly before. He suddenly doesn't know why he hates Shizuo.]

Tch. For one thing...[Hesitation.]

Well. [C'mon.] He's an idiot. Talking to him is the equivalent of talking to a pile of bricks. He's a social handicap. And he's not human. Okay..well genetically he is, considering he has blood type O which ironically the same blood type as myself, but he's such..He has this tremendous strength. Like nothing I've ever seen before...Well before coming to Vatheon at least. Can't even feel a gunshot- he's such a freak. And such an explosive rage ontop of it..

But worst of all, Shizu-chan is unpredictable. [He sneers. It's probably the first time Ran has seen a negative expression on Izaya's face.] And I hate that. He's the stupidest creature alive and yet.

[A big sigh.] He's probably the smartest at the same time.

[He grumbles a variety of things under his breath and looks genuinely ruffled.] That moron...And he started it. He hated me day one- you know- before we even got to meet each other. And ever since that day..[He stops. He hates when he gets off on tangents about Shizuo. Which is another thing he hates about Shizuo- he makes him feel a little too human at times. Damn it. Deep breath, Orihara. And relax.]

...Anyway! What about hate and love...?


threeofthree July 13 2011, 16:34:10 UTC
[ What a strange life Izaya must lead. Ran listens quietly and intently, noting all of this. Ran has never met someone who does not love before, but he does not think Izaya incapable of it; someone who can hate with such passion can love with such passion, in his opinion.

When Izaya finishes, he nods slowly. ]

He sounds like an interesting character.

[ It is the only judgment Ran will make. He does not know Izaya well, or Shizuo at all; how can he tell if the hate is justified or not? However, it is quite...curious. ]

I merely meant I think it is quite possible to feel both for a single person.


thetrollprince July 13 2011, 16:37:13 UTC
[He huffs.]...Well that's one word for him...

[He stares at the screen for a little bit and then grimaces.]

Really? How would that ever possibly work?


threeofthree July 13 2011, 16:49:13 UTC
Is he here?

[ Hmm. How best to explain this? Well. While they are being honest. ]

Let me use the examples of the men I told you I knew before. Bols is the name of the man who keeps my friend's severed hand. I claim he loves Kazuhiko, and he does. Yet he is also his enemy. He hates that Kazuhiko wins against him. He hates his skill, being unable to defeat him, unable to possess him. So whenever they meet he will try and destroy him, bit by bit.

[ A pause. What harm would it be to continue on? ]

The other case... is my brother. He loves me more than any one else in the world. He wants nothing more than to own me, completely. And yet, he hates me. He hates that I refuse to kill for him, hates that I left him. He despises me for looking at other people, and blames me for the fact that he cannot have me in the manner he wishes. If I stayed near him for too long... eventually his hate would overtake his love for me, and he would kill me, too.


thetrollprince July 13 2011, 17:08:55 UTC
...No. No he's not.

[He looks off camera and his face is serious yet again. But he quickly resumes his grin. Right. Enough of that.]


[This was pretty extreme- but...Was it really that much different from some of the things he experienced? He wasn't judging the guy.]

Did your brother have an incestuous obsession for you?

[He's not even mocking him. Firstly, his secretary was in love with her brother. Secondly, his sisters like to kiss each other sometimes. He's pretty used to this.]

I think I understand. These types of hate and love that you speak about...They...

[...For once, Izaya is fairly speechless. He's just trying to comprehend something to say. Anything really. His mind is a bit of a blank because now he just can't stop thinking about hate and love. Two things he usually doesn't combine in the same sequence of thought. Ah that's it!]

I don't like to categorize hate and love within each other. Or together. It's too much like saying they are reflections of each other. I try to think of them as separate qualities.


threeofthree July 14 2011, 05:21:31 UTC
Yes, he does. He is regrettably psychotic.

[ The way Ran says it, it sounds like a simple statement, but there is a sadness in his eyes. It soon gives way, however, as Izaya returns the conversation to the idea of love and hate. ]

Why is that? I think they could easily be considered related, if not reflections of one another.


thetrollprince July 14 2011, 13:56:01 UTC
Ah...That's unfortunate.

[He's not very good with 'sorrys' and what do you really say to someone who has a brother that's madly in love with them? Emphasis on the mad.]

Eh. Well. Tch. Simple!

[Of course it was.]

I don't want to be capable of....hating humanity as a whole but also loving it in the same respect. I don't like the contradiction of that. Sure I can hate humans individually but to hate humanity as well as love it...?

[And he looks perplexed, staring above the camera.]

It sounds like a paradox. That you can hate something with your whole heart but love it so furiously that you're a bit insane about it. It sounds like something out of the realm of control. I don't like not being in control.


threeofthree July 14 2011, 14:49:48 UTC
It does sound like a paradox, but is it, really?

[ Ran tilts his head to the side. ]

Love and hate are both extremes. Not polar opposites so much as simply both different ways of feeling extreme passion for something. And where emotions are concerned, I think everyone is somewhat helpless. I cannot help but love my brother, though he has done horrendous things, to me and others. I do not think he nor Bols can control either their love or their hate.

[ He considers for a moment longer. ]

Yet at the same time, one must realize that it is not normal to be like them, to be capable of such obsessive passion. That sort of lack of control comes from madness, I think.


thetrollprince July 14 2011, 14:57:34 UTC

[Izaya spins around in his chair so he's completely out of sight from the lens.]

Obsessive passion...Hn. I've been told I'm obsessed.

I wonder, do you think that there's a fine line between hate and love? That it blurs sometimes? Do you really think humans are so helpless to their own emotions like that? All of them?

Ah...I agree with you on that part. I do not think that love or hate can be controlled. You can't force yourself into love or hate..Or out of it. Kind of a shame, huh? Even me...I'm a victim to that.

[A laugh. It sounds a little bitter.]


threeofthree July 14 2011, 15:14:51 UTC
Perhaps you are. Yet I do not think it is always a bad thing. Having something to focus our energy, something we are absolutely certain of: it gives us ambition, doesn't it?


Not exactly. I think both love and hate have their own criteria. To love someone, there must be a reason to love them. To hate someone, there must also be a reason. Yet I believe there are few things in the world that would cause both hate and love all at once.

Humans are complex. The reason we can hate and love another at the same time is because we love some pieces of them, and despise others.


thetrollprince July 14 2011, 15:29:13 UTC

[He spun around in his chair.]

Do you really think that you actually need reason to hate or love someone? You don't think that you can love or hate someone the moment you see them but for reason unknown- only to later conclude why with reasons you've developed through your own experience with them?

Humans are both complex and the very definition of simple. Their reactions are practically preordained due to consistent chemicals in the brain and their natural mentality that is pegged as 'normal'. They are complicated to a certain degree and yet so easy to unfold or put together much like a puzzle. They're so interesting because of their complexities though because it is only when we obscure the simple with the abnormal that things can be considered 'complicated'. Right? It's only complicated because people can't understand it. Thus not necessarily making it complicated so much as difficult to accept.


threeofthree July 14 2011, 15:48:07 UTC
Because the reason is unknown does not mean there is no reason.

[ That certainly makes him think. He leans forward, propping his chin on the back of his hand. ]

Easy to unfold or put together...? Humans are creatures of habit, yes. And I suppose you are correct in saying that if you can understand and accept the way a person thinks, and why they think that way, you can predict them.

But do you truly think it is possible to understand someone in their entirety? Do you think in the end, all humans are simple in the same manner? We can live with someone all our lives, even be connected directly to them, feel everything they feel, and for all our knowledge about them we are not omnipotent in regard to them.


thetrollprince July 14 2011, 15:57:19 UTC
Ah yes. You can arrange them properly with the right words and sentiment. Or you can take them apart with the exact same method. Destroy them or create them- it's easy to do either, don't you think? [Or maybe it was just him.]

Yes. I do. Once you learn about a human it is rare to see them change their mentality or ways unless something drastic occurs. Yes, I think. All humans have the exact same function when you break it down. The same concrete set of emotions. Maybe...It is a bit more difficult to say on that front but genetically and chemically speaking, it would appear to be that way.

I can honestly say that I don't know much about that. I do not believe one could live entirely with another like that. No two humans can compliment and contrast and constrict together in such a deeper way. I do not think that those type of relationships are real.


threeofthree July 16 2011, 14:35:53 UTC
Yes, if one has a desire too.

[ Though he has no desire, pure survival instinct made him very adept at knowing the right way to manipulate A's emotions. ]

The same set of emotions, yes. Yet experience and personality can effect how those emotions are expressed and when so drastically...it would take a very intelligent person to be able to predict everyone they met.

[ He nods at the screen. ]

That is what I mean. I do not think even someone who could read thoughts as if they were spoken word could truly be able to guess everything about a person. You were talking of manipulation: yes, one can manipulate a person, and even be very good at it. Good at predicting reactions, knowing just how their words and actions will be interpreted. Yet ever prediction...it is a gamble. However, small, there is always the risk that the other will react in a completely unexpected manner.


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