005 [video forever] or action for Cherrygrove if you'd like!

Apr 11, 2011 21:25

[Here, have a Brave waving at the camera. He's looking a little beat up and singed and definitely tired, but not in too bad a shape. Mostly because he knows you do not mess with scorpions oh god so he's been staying very far away from anything scorpion shaped. Very far away.

Anyway, he looks fairly cheerful right now. As cheerful as anyone can be after being attacked by crazy bugs all weekend. In the background, one can probably hear the sounds of more bugs getting their butts kicked, but since brave's facing them, you can't see it. Oh well.]

Haha, this weekend wasn't so bad! These bugs aren't that tough. The great Brave-sama--

[And suddenly a Yanma swoops by and dumps a Pinco right on top of him. Please excuse the brief interruption while the explosion knocks out the brodcast for a bit.

and when it comes back, you get a nice shot of Brave's thumb and the side of his leg and his very singed other arm flung out. And a Pidgy swooping about, attacking a couple Yanma. Brave hasn't even noticed the feed is back, nor does he care; he's definitely not messing around right now.]

--another Tackle! And that one over there! There not that much bigger than you; you can take 'em!

[Pidgy briefly looks over to give him a very dirty look and chirp a very disgruntled chirp before going back to tackling the Yanma. One of them was pretty much already beat, so it only takes one more hit before going down. The other quite a bit more resiliant, so when the Pidgy tackles that one...doooown he goes. But at least the Yanma's kind of stuned for the moment too.]

Thiassi! Tch. Return.

[Aaaand there he goes, back into the pokeball. And then Brave throws another one at the Yanma before it can come to its senses. Just out of spite. Yeah.

And once it's caught, he'll actually pay attention to his pokegear again. He briefly looks surprised that it's still on, but quickly jumps right back into being carefree.]

Anyway, I was gonna say that it seems like they're calming down a bit. About time, too! Not all of them, obviously, but at least it won't last, right? I've got places to go; I can't stay in this little town forever.

why is this so long orz, oh god oh god oh god, pokemon: acquired, totally named for a god, fuck bugs forever, !ic, -location: cherrygrove, event-related

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