Apr 04, 2008 08:33
It has taken me this long to say Thank You to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday - two weeks ago. How pathetic is that!?!
Well, any way....
Thanks! It was really quite extraordinary. I've been around so seldom that it really surprised me.
Having your birthday fall on a major holiday kinda sucks. At first I thought it would be cool to have it on Easter because I would be with family and everyone would would be in a festive mood.
I was wrong. So very wrong.
I did get a cake though and it's surprising how much better everything seems after cake.
I've been corresponding with a lovely person who translated a couple of my fics into German and was kind enough to translate reviews for me. It made me remember how much I missed this fandom and how badly I want to finish the half written stories sitting on my hard drive. It also made me realize just how much I devoted to fandom. It was basically my drug of choice for 5 years.
Just sitting here, taking ten minutes out of my day to say hello feels so very good.
The house hunt continues. We have a realtor. We are also considering going on a tour of foreclosed housed. I am not keen on the idea of profiting from another's misery. There's too much bad Ju-Ju already in my life. We'll see.
I also got a call from an ad agency looking for me to interview there. My job is killing me but who's to day that one will be any better. There is must too much to think about right now.
I have 10 minutes before I have to be at work. I might just nap.
Later Days, mi amigos.