it's been how long since i updated this thing. i just couldnt care less lately. my life's been pretty dramatic lately, and unlike most of you, i dont give it to the whole web to read. but johnny did a 25 things about himself and i want to too
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no worries of stds, pregnancies, or bigger broken hearts.
virgin power!
i should've tripped and fallen into a vagina by now
i fell over reading that.
dude, you know being a virgin sucks. kinda.
in response: no way! i don't care that no P has been in my V. really. if it takes me a year or so to get over a break up, i can't even imagine how hard it'd be for me, and not to mention how pyschotic i'd be if i had sex with my exes. of course i'm young and hormones go crazy in my body, and i want to know what it's like.... but i've done a pretty good job of supressing such feelings. stick in there man! that could be read wrong, don't stick it in THERE, just wait. you've gone this far...keep on going.
daniel, welcome to the v-club. our population is increasingly decreasing. and we are special, damnit.
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