i was just signing onto myspace and saw a "cool new person" who looked kinda weird, so i looked at it. and then, from reading their comments from their friends, i realized there's people who actually love Good Charlotte. there's like all these girls who have all their pictures of the guys from the band... and maybe one pic that's actually theirs. and there's accounts of the guys from the bands and these girls really believe it's a real profile of the dude. ha. weird.
i took nicole to the airport tonight so she can see her family in indiana for a couple days. we drank beers at the bar there. she's amazing. and then i met up with becky for a few drinks to discuss all her drama. she's awesome too.
and i dont have to work at BC until thursday. but i should do some work of my own these days off. make some money.
i love you all.
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