(no subject)

Dec 04, 2007 16:00

I visited my house after school today; it didn't get inside at all, but they've determined that the water filling the garage might be hazardous (human!) waste, since part of the problem was a burst pipe that might have had sewage in it, or something. When we showed up, the news was there, and they interviewed me, so I might be on the news like Dane was yesterday. According to the reporter, it looks like it was the city's fault, so we might be able to get reimbursed for things from the city even though we're not insured for everything. Dane had a football in my trunk, and it was floating out in the driveway, so my trunk must be open under there... I posted some pictures on facebook, here's a link you can follow even if you don't have facebook: http://washington.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2215151&l=04dc7&id=10721033
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