I lied and said I'd post pictures of the winter wonderland of a couple weeks ago on my livejournal. But I did put them of facebook, and if people like Kayla and Puneet don't have one, they should. But even if they don't, they can still see the pictures, if they happen to want to. Here they are:
http://washington.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2101231&l=8fd67&id=10721033 Finals are almost over. I have one sort-of final today (I'm not taking the cumulative part so it's not really a final), and then that's it. Tomorrow is the zoo, the next day is downtown, then who knows. I'll be in California on the 24th. Next quarter will suck, because I'm taking Organic Chemistry and Biology and English, which is a sucky class, because who knows, I bet we'll have to write essays or something. At least this is the last one. And at least I'm done with math now, forever. Except statistics, which doesn't count because it's fun.