(no subject)

Jul 13, 2009 08:04

Salutations y'all! \o

I'm Skyler, and I'll be providing your resident antisocial grump Kanda Yuu, from D. Gray-man. He can come across as a real cold-hearted ruthless jerk, so blanket apologies at the outset. I promise that I'm friendly and won't stab bite much, so please feel free to poke me up on AIM (minos54) any time for plotting, scheming, chatting, world domination, random Monty Python quoting, or whatever else strikes your fancy.

HMD (link is in the user info) and Kanda's application are posted in his journal along with other various and sundry. And for anyone keeping track of these things, my time zone is GMT.

Having said all that, you'll likely not see me around for the next day or two: my roomies and I are moving up to London tomorrow kja;jsdfaklsdfa *panics and runs around the house*, so we're scrambling to finish packing everything up.

Hypothetically, our phone and internet should be ready to roll when we walk through the door of our new flat, BUT (there's always a but, right?) the phone company's been having trouble getting things sorted so there's a chance we could be left up to ten days without internet. Which means a) that I'm going to wait to bring Kanda into the game until I'm sure our internet is really and truly sorted and b) if you don't hear from me for a few days it's not for lack of eagerness! *crosses fingers and makes burnt offerings to the gods of interweb connections*

Anyway, nice to meet you all, and I'm looking forward to playing with everyone! :D
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