Oh for the love of... (and btw, I fail)

Jul 19, 2009 03:17

Who: Asch; anyone that wants to laugh at him.
What: Poyo, poyo, EVERYWHERE!
Where: First test field. Oh god.
When: Early morning.
Warning: Cursing, Poyo abuse.

Poor Asch. Just... poor Asch. )

kuchiki byakuya, futch, asch the bloody, luke fon fabre

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not_a_twin July 20 2009, 00:35:04 UTC
It had been hours since these little monsters started to cry and Luke was really starting to get a headache. He thought of trying to kill them quite a few times but even he couldn't bring himself to kill a creature that wasn't attacking him. Plus if Asch's message was anything to go by killing them was the last thing he wanted to try. Speaking of Asch... he wondered where his original had disappeared to. Surely a mountain of crying blobs would be easy to spot!

Luke walked along the field followed by his small herd of blobs. One he was playing with like some kind of bouncy ball as he walked by tossing it in the air and catching it. It wasn't long until he heard even MORE wailing. "Huh...?" He glanced back to his group and they didn't seem any more fussy than usual so where was the extra screaming coming from?

Setting the creature down with the others he started walking a little faster towards the sound. Why he was walking towards more screaming he'd question himself for later but once he found the source he was glad for the trip. " ( ... )


not_the_dreck July 20 2009, 00:38:19 UTC
Asch was in a foul mood, an exceptionally foul mood, and the headache he was getting from the wailing that surrounded him, quite literally, was not helping matters. Green eyes glared out at Luke from under the massive mound of crying blobs and, not happy with how their last conversation had ended, an arm managed to pry itself out from the blob mound and dreck grab Luke.



not_a_twin July 20 2009, 00:49:05 UTC
Luke yelped when he was grabbed and pulled face first into the blob wall. "Me? What the hell am I supposed to do! No one's figured out how to shut them up!" He pried the boy's hand off and stumbled back nearly tripping over his own lot that was following close behind.

"W-well this one guy said they were like kids." Starts trying to dig Asch out but they were clinging pretty tight to their new mama. "Stubborn little..." Mutters and holds one over his head that starts to wiggle itself free trying to worm it's way back over to Asch.


not_the_dreck July 20 2009, 00:51:49 UTC
"How the hell did you get that damn thing off?" Asch grumbled, glaring at Luke from under the mound. Maybe he would refrain from killing the dreck for just a little longer. "I've been prying at them all damn day."


not_a_twin July 20 2009, 01:58:22 UTC
"Dunno... maybe it thought I was you for a second. We have the same fonons and all..." Sets it on the ground and tries pulling off another one. They seem to settle down on the ground between them though they do creep closer to Asch once they realize Luke isn't their mama.

"Think I'm seeing more of your face." He starts removing more from around Asch's head.


not_the_dreck July 20 2009, 02:01:14 UTC
The latest one Luke grabbed was stuck to his cheek, and seemed rather reluctant to let go, even for the replica mama. The harder Luke tugged, the more Asch's cheek stretched, leading to a rather comical look on the grumpy redhead's face.

"Good, they can swarm you from now on," he grumped, sounding rather irate. At least the blobs quieted a little in their confusion.


not_a_twin July 20 2009, 02:07:23 UTC
"Tch, hardly, they seem to catch on pretty quick that I'm not you but at least they're staying on the floor. I think they just stuck onto you because you upset them..." Keeps tugging at that stubborn one and can't help letting a snicker slip at the stretchy face Asch is making when he tugs.

"C-come on you. Let him go." Another snicker slips when it lets go with a pop leaving a round suction makes on the original's face. Oh god, must not laugh. Must not laugh!


not_the_dreck July 20 2009, 02:09:32 UTC
Asch narrowed his eyes at the idiot, not pleased.

"You're having far too much fun with this," he growled out.


not_a_twin July 20 2009, 02:17:49 UTC
"Hee, a bit but if you hit me I'll pile them right back onto your face." Luke warmed and started tugging at one that was clinging to Asch's hair.



not_the_dreck July 20 2009, 02:21:58 UTC
Asch's growled reply was cut off by a rather undignified scream as Luke yanked out half his hair along with it.



not_a_twin July 20 2009, 02:38:46 UTC
Luke looked a little startled and blinked before looking up at the blob in his hand still crying and clinging to some of Asch's hair. "O-oh, geez, sorry! Sorry Asch!" He frowned and set the creature down.

Lightly touching the boy's hair he started trying to cover up the area missing hair. "M-moving on..." He gripped one attached to the teen's chest and tugged.


not_the_dreck July 20 2009, 02:42:12 UTC
It was lucky for the dreck that his hands were otherwise occupied by the blobs, otherwise he would have strangled him after that. Instead, he just let out an irritable grumble, flinching when Luke touched his head. Damn idiot really couldn't do anything right, dammit.

"Hurry up already," he grumbled as the one on his chest came off with a small pop, trying to take his tabard along with it.


not_a_twin July 20 2009, 02:54:33 UTC
"This isn't easy you know. You're the one that upset them so much that they're clinging so tight so quit blaming me or I'm just going to leave you here." Luke said irritably. The nerve of this guy! Here Luke was taking the time to help and all he could do was complain!

In fact when he gets another one off Asch's stomach, rather than putting it on the ground he sticks it over the boy's mouth. "Now shut up." Oh was he going to pay for that later but really.. .this jerk was giving him more of a headache that the blobs were!


not_the_dreck July 20 2009, 02:56:39 UTC
Oh Luke, you had no idea; Asch's mouth had been open to snap at Luke, so not only did he get blob over his mouth... but into his mouth as well. He let out an enraged, "MMMMMMPHH!!!" Clearly, Luke was going to pay dearly for that.


not_a_twin July 20 2009, 03:33:28 UTC
"..." Okay... the sight wasn't helping him NOT laugh but he tried hard to hold it in. As it was Asch was already plotting to kill him. Moving behind the other he started pulling more off his back, tossing them away only to have them slink back around Asch's legs.

Now came the dangerous part...his arms... "...I-I think we've got enough of them off don't you?" Yanks the little guy off Asch's face to free that annoying mouth of his.


not_the_dreck July 20 2009, 03:36:46 UTC
Unfortunately, there was a lot of the critter in Asch's mouth, more than it would seem from Luke's point of view. When he grabbed it, it refused to let go, clinging to Asch's lips, tongue, and teeth with a determined wail at Luke.


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