Oct 10, 2005 15:48
I just had the most bizarre shopping experience I think I've had..... ever:
So I went to the gym and ran 5.5 miles in under 50 minutes. That means I'm running under 10 minute miles. I am fucking incredible- I smoke, drink, and party 4 nights a week and I can still run 5/ 9 minute 30 second miles.
Anyways: I shower (this guy showered too, first one I've seen yet, but he changed clothes IN the big shower room so no one could see his hoohoodilly- I was in the lil private one, cuz I was shaving- Haven't most guys gotten over the whole gym thing after freshman year of high school? Not that I wanted to see it, but all the same- I don't change IN the shower- I go to the bench in the locker room) get dressed and as I still have an hour or so to kill I decide to go window shop (as I am broke) over at Town Center. I'm in J. Crew and this boy walks up to me going 'HEY! how are you doing?' with a spanish accent. I'm sure I looked like a deer in headlights at first, but I smile and hug him back and say hello. So he starts following me around J. Crew and we're making small talk about clothes etc. and all I can think is- who in God's name is this person? I am almost dead certain I have never actually met him and that he probably has mistaken me for someone else, or at least I met him so briefly (or drunk? but then I doubt he'd have come and said hello so nicely) that he never really crossed my mind again. So apparently he works at Banana Republic and Wachovia, is about to start at UNF again in the spring, and traipses along with me for the next half hour/45 minutes as I continue to browse (and find nothing). Then I'm like- I need to head and he's like- I'll take you to your car, to which I said- um I'm kinda close, but he either didn't hear or ignored me and we get in his car and he wheels me around to my car and THEN HE TRIES TO KISS ME. Not like a gross make-out kiss, but definitely an I-want-to-kiss-you-on-the-mouth kind. I turned my cheek to avoid it, smiled sweetly and said I'd come in saturday to buy a bag I'd seen (on sale). It was the strangest thing.......