Oct 25, 2007 22:17
Today was really serial for me. I was thinking alot about what was going on in my life. I feel like somewhere along the way i've lost track of who I am. I'm worrying about so much stuff right now. Maybe I should be so I can change what i need to or maybe the hell's are just kicking my butt and im letting them. For a while now i've been happy with who I am. I feel like I want to help people, I try to understand people and i can see the bad judgments come up and recignize the choice. Idk I'm just questioning alot of things, Am I right? I thought I was but I don't feel right. I'm starting to get to a point where people that cause me more pain I can push out of my life but maybe thats wrong?
I'm really not sure whether I'm doing good or bad. I can't tell and thats scary. I feel lost with alot of stuff right now and don't know what is stable. Offer it up God grant me the sernity to accept the things I cannot change courage to change the things i can and wisdom to know the difference.