Jul 01, 2004 16:32
havent updated in a few days...
i got bak from gregg's a little while ago ... ohh man we had a great time i saw the texas chainsaw massicar too , i dont see wat the big deal about that movie is every one says its sooooo scary it was rediculous nd definetly not scary unless a movie being gory means its scary although i havent seen the origonal version of it but being that the mask that the guy wore was made of humnan skin did make it pretty kool lol ... ive also come to the conclusion that the chance of a good horror movie that was made in the last 4 yrs. is just about as high has ur chance at winning the lotery lol
ive been feeling a little weird lately ,, even tho its been over a monh since Rachel broke up with me i still love her no matter how hard i try to let go i cant ...... help