Unicorns Srping Parliment 1112 (ooc 2012)

Apr 06, 2012 20:22

Ok I thought I posted this on here when I posted it on the boards... but here goes my Hot's and not's copy/pasted from the Unicorn's board...

H'okay I will attempt to do my hots and nots... will probably forget stuff but here we go!

IC Hot:
Doing a great job with the healers, no one died because of poor healing organisation.
Being told by Sergai that I'm competent & that I know what I'm doing! (means a LOT coming from a Kurga!)
Running over to Wren thinking she was down, when getting to her hearing her pipe up and finish her healing vocal from doing some stealth healing "like you taught me"... made Tooka feel so proud!
Getting officially promoted.
Saving so many lives! (even if a number of them were Tal's)
Not loosing the Orb of Life, or even breaking attunement with it.
Getting to Tell the story of the Immortal words (even if the dramatic pause was ruined by the Rising Horn
Chatting with several Newbie healers about the Healers Guild
Chatting with Draek about the Uzzzzzzz Ancestors/Beliefs and about his!

IC Not:
The deaths Especially the Rising Horn & The Amothian girl.
Seeing someone from the T.I. of all people become Snakey bints champion!
The occasional fear of not knowing where Squiggle was after something had kicked off.
Forgetting about Frappin's regen and using up a Total Heal on him when it wasn't needed.
Not Fighting as much as I feel I should as a Beastkin (Only took down 1 clown AND I didn't eat the corpse).
Being an idiot and not telling Galandra not to heal Bob because he was controlled.

OOC Hot:
Obviously seeing all of you!
Feeling like a Healing GOD by using the Orb of Life. (Especially when needing people back on the front-line so using a Total Heal)
Being told by several people OOC that I'm competent and know what I'm doing!
Seeing the look on some peoples faces (especially Simal) when they heard my Healing vocal had "while claiming an aura of defence" because IC they didn't know I had the orb!
Not one night ending on full power (either my own personal, nor the orb after attunement) nor ever being completely out of power! (I think that shows efficient use of our healing power!)
The Demon Clown getting in the Command tent, Tapper just continuing to play which happened to be "Demons Who Live Underground" Hilarious.
Also the hilarious Wedge, who until I turned around to see them I thought more Carni's were attacking... but then seeing the dancing Incantors, so funny!
Singing a bit of Westwall with Galandra because it was appropriate
Singing the Chorus to "Demons Who Live Underground" because we were fighting clown demons and Bob walked past me... so it amused me and then the people around me joined in which amused me more (even though I don't think Bob heard)
My interesting chats with Fate and Fortune.
The Giddy Kipper are awesome and I had amusing chats with them

OOC Not:
While bodyguarding "Mummy 2" and Peggy back from the Toilets getting dropped because I didn't see the Etticaps first strike in the dark and it hit for "Halt" so couldn't then block all the attacks I -could- see because I couldn't move!
Not getting to hear Tapper's songs because everyone else was fighting clowns so I was on Healer duty!
On Saturday my tent being Iced over when I went to bed!

it's taken me far too long to write this so that'll have to do for now... but just take from this that I had an AWESOME event and thoroughly enjoyed it!

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