Things I Want The Future to Make:

Mar 17, 2013 13:30

Networks start airing seasons on their shows and charge such an affordable rate that people would be less tempted to picking up a virus from a free downnloads and just pay the minimal fee for a whole season of a show.
Commercial free, of course, after all, they're already paying for the entertainment directly.

Since I've discovered wireless ear buds are already invented, I don't care so much about revealing my shoulda-coulda-woulda million dollar idea!
Accessorize that shit. I really want ear bud earrings that dangle when out and easily flip into the ears. For dudes and ladies.
Or sunglasses earbuds. That's actually possible with the brands they have out now, where the 2 ear buds are still connected together.

OK, but this is still copyright.
Bam! in a blog! Copy Right!

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