Dec 03, 2012 12:55
Good news, WORLD!
He's a pincher.
And a lot younger than I.
(How do you feel about that?)
It's hard to feel like I'm not being a doof.
But maybe this is all societal implants.
Only men are privy to dating much younger people.
But, even then, I feel, it's more like 40+ dating 26-35 year olds.
Well, it's honestly all a matter of maturity.
And in my case I need a serious lack in one way and a super mature in other ways.
Existentialist. Who loves poop jokes.
It seems that I never find anyone suitable in my own age range.
But the only reason it matters is so that we have cultural things to agree on, which is kind of boring as shit, anyways. Oh, hey, we both like this thing, big fucking whoop. What about all those deeper things that people don't just walk around talking about. And, hell, let's not take it too seriously, after all, this is only life. But, after all, this is LIFE.