Aug 10, 2007 10:24
I am listing 7 quirky things about me...but I don't know 7 people to tag that she hasn't tagged some of so here is half...
1. I write as I talk so I use elipses a lot to indicate my pregnant pauses...i mean a lot.
2. I don't get uncomfortable discussing, in private, the human body or bodily functions. But I was raised a certain way, so when those topics become public I get uncomfortable and annoyed. It is NOT ok to burp at the dinner table in a restaurant with 5 other people. And please, poop conversations should stay inside the house.
3.I'm very self-conscious about having to hold a conversation with someone I don't know very well. I'm afraid that I have nothing to talk about. And when I start going about the stuff I do know well, sometimes I can't shut up and get embarrassed about how I'm gushing.
4. I prefer pictures of myself in which I'm making a funny face to the ones where I'm just smiling.
5. I love dogs. But I have no love for badly behaved dogs whose owners don't care about their bad behaviors.
6. On the above note...I don't feel bad reprimanding other peoples dogs or children. If you bring them out in public, and you don't control them, I shouldn't have to suffer their insanity as if it's the best thing that's ever happened just because you do.
7. I get crushes on people who are smart. Especially if that person is smart AND funny.