It's the little stuff.

Apr 17, 2007 12:42

Today started out with the promise of being a(nother) horrible day. My back hurts (in JUST the right spot to make any sitting posture painful), I couldn't seem to get anything done this morning, dad was home so I couldn't make coffee, and the suck from yesterday's total failure of a riding session was still hanging around. But good stuff happened.

1. It's SUNNY! This is amazing. It hasn't been consistently sunny for...hmm...a week? Maybe more?

2. It's WARM! 60° right now! That's the high for the last two weeks. If it keeps up maybe I can wash Stupidhorse Bull's tail (it's disgusting).

3. I went to Starbucks. While I do love Starbucks, it's entirely possible to go, get coffee, drink coffe, and leave feeling grumpy the whole time. Today, though, the barista who took my order was quite sympathetic when I whined for a little about my horrible life--err, day--and he was even kind of cute, too.

4. When I was leaving Sbucks, I was about to get into Scott (who needs to be washed, ugh) when a lady who just got out of the drivethrough called out her window, "You have a beautiful car!" Instant good mood!

5. When I got home, the house was locked. Hm. Nobody home! I'll be alone again. sadcries. But there was a note on the table: "Went to try new car!" This is fantastic news. Dad really wants another car (like we NEED another one, sigh, he just likes to buy things) and mom wasn't going for it. So yesterday he suggested retiring Gray. Gray is his super-old, super-noisy old junker of a car that he LUUUVES to drive so much and that everyone else hates. So if he retired Gray, then he could get the new car.
ZOMG this is outdated already. Mum just called, they're getting the new car! In WHITE. How boring. But still! Excitingness.

So that's about it. In any case, I'm feeling better. Maybe Bull will behave himself today.
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