Things Involving Me

Mar 31, 2004 14:11

I finally got a permanent desk at work, and have now staked my claim there with photos and what not. Something odd though: When I left last night, I had a nice 19" Dell monitor, to go with my black CPU, keyboard and mouse. When I got here this morning, my Dell monitor was gone, to be replaced by a much smaller, ancient Compaq monitor that's giving me a headache. Bunch of savages in this town. My boss and our IT department are trying to track down a new monitor for me, but I don't have high hopes.

I got a letter from the Department of Labor, about the money that the anime store owes me from the closing of the store. According to the letter (which was a copy of what was sent to my previous employers), they owe almost $4000 in penalties. On about $400 in wages owed. Seriously, don't mess around with payroll if you own a business.

I'm also frantically trying to get into the World of Warcraft beta. Had I known there were going to close the beta signup, I would have signed up a bunch of times, rather than just signing up once. I do, after all, have my own mail server and therefore an infinate number of valid email addresses. Cest la vie. Word on the street is that it will be at least 5 months before the game is released.

In the meantime, I've been playing Lineage II on David's spare computer. It's in open beta right now, so it's free. There are things I don't like about the game, and I very likely won't buy it, but it's alright for being free. Heh.

I really thought it was spring. A week ago, everything was warm and melting. Over the weekend, we got hit with another few inches of snow, and some nice freezing temperatures. This winter, and me stuck with a car I hate to drive in the winter, seems like it will never end. It's nice out today, but still too cold to melt anything. It's getting very old.
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