Mar 15, 2005 13:24
Below is a letter Patrice, Muazzum, and I wrote for the teachers of East to be informed about the Minute for Darfur, but I thought I'd sorta like to share it with you, because its really important to me.
Take a minute and think about it, kids. Then, take action and do something!
Dear Teachers,
Given the current status of the situation in the western region of Sudan, Africa, a group of East High students has recently formed in order to take action against and raise awareness about the atrocities that are occurring in Darfur. This group is requesting the teachers of East High to help us participate in the nationwide “A Minute of Silence for Darfur,” sponsored by the United States National Holocaust Memorial Museum. On Thursday, March 17, at 2 p.m., we ask that you and your class participate in this voluntary effort to raise awareness about this cause.
We ask that if you do decide to allow your class to honor this minute, that you please explain this horrific situation to your class, so that they might understand the gravity of this situation and why we ask them to respect this silence. The crisis occurring in Darfur is one of the worst preventable humanitarian crises in this world today, leaving over 300,000 dead and more than 1.6 million displaced from their lives and families. The onslaught of these actions has taken place over the short period of fewer than five years. This devastating turn of events is due to the attempts at racial cleansing by the Sudanese government, an Arab controlled entity. The government-controlled militia group called the Janjaweed is working to slowly eliminate the African population of the Darfur region by means of genocide. This horrific crime against humanity is characterized by crimes against women and children especially, including the rape and murder of the Arabian people. Other techniques involved in a genocide are the restriction of humanitarian aid, such as food and medical help provided by other countries, bombing civilian targets, and burning entire towns.
However, despite these offensive crimes against the people of Darfur, the United Nations has made no move to provide humanitarian or military aid to the citizens. The possibility of help hinges on the debate of a few words, contained in the Geneva Convention, legally defining “genocide.” The United Nations determined that the situation in Sudan is not a genocide because they cannot find the specific “intent” behind the slaughtering of innocent people. Thus, they will provide no aid to the country and remain neutral on the situation. This leaves the possibility of action to activists, ordinary people committed to make a difference.
Like the mass movement that students made against the Vietnam War in the 1970’s and the Apartheid in the early 90’s, students all across the nation are joining together to make a difference in stopping this humanitarian crisis. This minute of silence represents the first nationwide event directed at raising awareness about this important issue. You have the option to participate in this voluntary event by taking a few minutes out of your 6th hour class on Wednesday or Thursday to explain the gravity of this moment of silence. Then, at approximately 1:58 on Thursday, a school wide announcement will be made to remind students and teachers of the action.
Thank you so much for your time in considering the events in Western Sudan. If you would like more information, please visit or Additionally, if you have specific questions about the event, please contact Amanda Applegate at before Thursday.
Remember, although this is an entirely voluntary event, the more people that participate, the louder our silence will speak.
Thank you,
(Student leaders of East High’s Save Darfur/STAND* group)
*Students Taking Action Now for Darfur