The secret reveled

Apr 03, 2008 16:49

Well as you may remember from my last blog that I had something I was worried over but couldn't spill the beans about... well I can tell all that don't know now.
Since I have now been able to tell the children, I can now tell you. No I am not pregnant.
Recently some of my mom's test have shown that she has a lescion on her liver. The specialist up in Birmingham believe it to be cancer. So we have been in Birminham for the past three days (and more to come) getting her evaluated. We saw a liver specialist yesterday and looked at the films together and he said that he saw another spot. With this type of cancer you just can go in and remove it or burn it because the tumors reproduce I guess is the word. He said her chance for survival in 3 years is 0%. Her only hope is a liver transplant. With her tumors it puts her near the top of the waiting list. Alabama's waiting list is pretty low. So he said she could have her liver anytime. With the average being 3 - 4 months. Her survival rate baring any complications is 95% and then it drops to 85% at 5 years. Which are awesome odds. So after they have their meeting on Tuesday to go over all their patients she SHOULD be on the waiting list. So we must pray for that.
When she gets the transplant, she has to have a support person to take care of her while she heals and to monitor her meds and watch for rejection. I am that person. I will have to live in B'ham for about 1 month and 1/2. This is going to be difficult because I will be away from my kids and with Edward working its going to be hard to make sure they are taken care of. So much to do.... I'll need all the help, support, and prayers that I can get.
I am honored that my mom trust me enough and loves me enough to choose me to take care of her. I FINALLY will be able to give back some of what she has done for me my whole life. She is such an awesome, giving, loving lady. She always takes care of others before herself, often going without so that she can do for others. I am glad to be able to sacrifice something for her. If I can be half the woman she is, then I will be thankful. She's my best friend although she may be sick of seeing my face by the time we are through with this. LOL!
I'm scared not because I don't think she will be okay but because I am afraid I won't know what to do or I will not be skilled enough.
What an adventure this will be! At least I will be going through this with her.

surgeon, kids, adventure, love, evaluation, mom, transplant, liver, waiting list, support, scared, cancer

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