(no subject)

May 29, 2007 19:39

updated! 4/17/2008


Sarah Jane Smith: A woman that he met under the guise of Dr John Smith. He traveled with her a bit during an extended stay in the 1970s, and later met up with her again in 2005. Presumed dead of Captain Trips.

Harry Sullivan: A doctor friend of Sarah Jane's, he was an agent of Tet Corp who attempted to recruit The Doctor.

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart: A Tet Corp agent that the Doctor keeps meeting throughout his travels. One presumes that this will cease, as he has surely succumbed to Trips. Via The Brigadier, Bowman has also met Sgt Benton.

Rose Tyler: He does not like to discuss her, but he loved her. He refers to her as deceased, but it is more than likely he lost her during one of his "trips" and cannot find her again. Depending on where she was left, she is or is not dead from Trips.

Her mother, Jackie Tyler, was not particularly fond of The Doctor on most occasions. A bit too fond of him on others.

Martha Jones: He met her shortly after he 'lost' Rose, and quickly found himself almost unhealthily attached to her. But that's pretty well usual for him, so that's hardly notable. He likely would have loved her as well, if he did not already, but while stuck in traffic on the motorway in Norway during the virus, she was kidnapped direct from their vehicle. She is, however, immune to Captain Trips, so it is very possible she is still alive.

Like Rose's mother, Martha's family is not all that fond Doctor Bowman. This may or may not have something to do with the Mysterious Death of Martha's cousin, Adeola.

Victoria Waterfield and James McCrimmon: These are two people that the Doctor knows "from way back", which is to say "from way back in the past when I go there". Of the former, he will occasionally bring tales of his travels, and of the latter...well, he borrows his name on occasion.

St John Allerdyce:  Briefly accompanied himself and Sara on escapes to the past, he had a hand in a fire in Chicago.

Sara Tancredi:  Current companion, he resides with her in a house on an unspecified new world.  They are currently in possession of what is referred to by someone as a Steampunk TARDIS.


Susan Foreman: A granddaughter that he met by accident on a brief travel to the future. He does not know of her mother, though she did accompany him on a few travels back and forth in time. This was, quite likely, before he realised the risks involved in his ability.

Adric Alzar: A relation of some sort, though he no longer recalls of what sort Adric is. Around the same age as Susan.

Fellow Chronokinetics:

Romana Devora Trelundar: A fellow chronokinetic, though a great deal more adept at the ability. She has somehow managed to shield herself from the effects. She is from Yorkshire, and worked for Tet Corp for a time before vanishing into God knows where.

Captain Jack Harkness: A chronokinetic, and a /con man/. He claims to be from the future, but it is likely he is actually /not/. At any rate, he is currently /in/ the future for whatever reason. It is entirely possible that Rose Tyler is there as well, with him. Happy and fine.

Harold Saxon: Bowman has met this man at various points in time, and they have never gotten along. Ever. One might even say that they're enemies. Mr Saxon would gladly see Dr Bowman dead, dead, dead. Just before the Captain Trips...fiasco, he was running for PM of the UK.

Various Acquaintances:

Harriet Jones: No relation to Martha. MP of Flydale North. While perhaps overly fond of Dr Bowman, she does not tend to listen to any advice that he gives her. Therefore, he has stopped giving it.

Mickey Smith: No relation to Sarah Jane. Believes himself forgettable, no doubt because he was Rose Tyler's boyfriend before she took up with Dr Bowman. The Doctor has no idea where Mickey is, but suspects that he probably survived the virus.

The Doctor: Apparently some sort of alternate version of himself, though they look absolutely nothing a like.  This Doctor is from the same universe as the Steampunk TARDIS, and is in fact it's original owner.

Rose Tyler II: Obviously not called that to her face, she is the SP!Doctor's companion, for all that means.

John Smith; No Relation, but notable for name.

The Various Former Denizens of Hell:  As stated. People from Hell.


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