Today was just brutal. Also: mushroomMUSHROOM. SNAAAKE!

Aug 07, 2013 22:58

New client 9-11

Regular client 1:30-3:30
Regular client 4-6

Came home... ate, went on walk... mind you this job is stressful... lol ugh. Doesn't seem like a lot of hours, but when you account for the constant stress... yeah, it's a lot.

In other news I saved a baby snake from the certain doom of living in my garage. I researched it and it was called a "Northern Ringneck Snake" It looked like this:

This isn't actually my hand, found this image on google... I used a paper towel when I escorted it to the wilderness. lol

And only later did I read that it will "bite savagely" when feeling threatened. Shit. lol Don't think it's poisonous though.

work, nature, animals

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