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May 15, 2020 01:20

Nicoline Angewyn is a twenty-two-year-old young woman of mixed Kurdish and English ancestry, raised primarily in the rural village of Aston Abbotts, Buckinghamshire. She is the seventh child in her family, the lone half-sibling, the youngest, and sort of the black sheep, which has led to an unpredictable, dual-natured personality, as she craves adventure and excitement, but also loves her burgeoning career. As of mid-May in 2011, she has returned to England after studying biophysics in America, and has sought out a job as a research assistant in London while preparing for graduate school. Though she's generally an empathetic, principled person, she can be tempestuous, and doesn't suffer fools very well. She is not close with her family, but feels a sense of loyalty to them, anyway, which is being tested by the revelation that she's descended from a long line of witches on her paternal side (and a shorter, much more frightening line on her deceased mother's), and she's the first real witch of the ancient Angewyns in a long, long time. There are a lot of conspiracies and debts with the supernatural surrounding Nicoline's birth and life, and she's only just finding out that she has even less clue who she is than she thought."lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. donec scelerisque aliquet consequat. nulla id massa vitae tellus elementum aliquet ac eget urna. ut semper tristique rhoncus. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. suspendisse iaculis vestibulum tellus quis euismod. quisque accumsan odio a erat vulputate sagittis. integer ornare risus vel nisl elementum gravida. nullam vulputate risus in magna scelerisque porttitor. donec hendrerit ligula vel ipsum eleifend in aliquam ante dignissim. donec commodo, felis quis dapibus viverra, risus mauris suscipit est, sed eleifend lacus arcu sodales enim. etiam placerat vestibulum augue, eu venenatis felis dictum non. aliquam sed leo eros. nam ultricies, nibh eget feugiat imperdiet, tellus dolor suscipit tellus, non volutpat est nisi vitae justo. vivamus porttitor varius felis, eu egestas leo tincidunt ut. aliquam faucibus congue nisl a ornare. vestibulum ornare feugiat libero consequat tempor. donec a enim felis. nulla ipsum lacus, aliquam id vulputate at, luctus vitae quam."
  1. Complete character bio.
  2. In-character contact post.
  3. Relationships: PCs.
  4. Relationships: NPCs.
  5. In-depth world information.
  6. Storylines, plot ideas.
  7. Photo reference pages.
This page also serves as a crit post. IP logging is off, screening, captcha and anon are on. PMs, however, are my preferred method of contact.

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