Jan 22, 2011 20:38
It was less then an hour between the time Cassie had found the brand new heavy bag with her name on it outside the hut and when she'd had it securely chained up in the branches of a near by tree. The accompanying gloves had been promptly tied in place and since then, she'd been pounding away her frustrations on the bag for a good few hours every morning and sometimes again in the afternoon. With her sparring partners limited again, and she'd never liked taking her anger out on other people anyway, the bag had helped her control her growing anger and unease caused by the island to the point she could function almost normally again. Because loosing control on New Year's Eve had frankly scared her.
Today, she'd worked in another afternoon session. She'd snapped at Iris for being in her way and she knew that when she yelled at the dog for no reason, it was time for a little cool down with her gloves and bag. Drinking a bottle of water, Cassie was just returning to the hut, gloves tied together and thrown over her shoulder, tired enough that it took her a moment to realize someone other then Cissie was there.