Oct 03, 2004 16:51
Events, processes, these are the things we see. We don’t see actual objects we see the effects of objects. Of course when we say see what do we mean? The definition of sight is “To perceive with the eye.” Under this premise we do not perceive objects. We are not accepting the actual object onto our fovea we are accepting the photons that have been skewed from their original trajectory and reflected back onto our retinas. This is a process. Everything we perceive is a process. If objects were all standing still in space-time they would cease to be in our time. We are all moving at the same velocity through time much like we are all traveling around earth at approximately the same velocity. Under that premise we are moving and are therefore a process. That is what we see. Processes carried out. Your not sitting in that chair statically you are constantly interacting with it. The Wan der Walls forces in the chairs atoms and your atoms are rejecting each other and thus providing support. As you type you are activating electron flow in bursts between compositors that sends messages to your computer to place a certain letter in the provided space. Your not “just sitting there,” as you inhale the carbon dioxide is exchanged with the oxygen on the reversible hemoglobin bond. This is then carried to the respective cells and provided for the metabolic breakdown of glucose into purvate which is then turned into ATP and into the carbon that is transported out of your body in the carbon dioxide. You’re not just sitting there. As you read this neurotransmitters are speeding through the synaptic cleft to the opposite neuron’s dendrites. Activating an electric current between the soma and terminal buttons and setting off more neurotransmitters to complete the cycle. This is preformed over and over until the birth of cognitive process is at hand…your not just sitting there….your existing….your speeding through time…your evolving…adapting ….…. your not just sitting there……