Okay so first things first, I am on a sports show on Tuesday from 12-1pm PST on 1560AM KSCR (USC student radio). It's me and Nathan Goldstein and Kevin Lu and we rotate hosts every week, and it's my turn to host this week. If you can/want to you should listen and even AIM or call in. The AIM is kscrlive and the phone number is (213) 740-5727. Last week I started off the show with a clip of DC's "Heroes" and I might just do that again tomorrow. Also, even if you can't/won't/don't want to listen we have a blog
http://kscrsports.blogspot.com/ that you should all take a look at. Each show (we have shows every day of the week as well as games we call) is also archived on itunes in podcasts. Just search "kscr sports" and it should come up. Okay, done with my pimpage.
Most of you I've only met through David Cook and the fandom (and ilu all btw) so many of you probably don't know that my life revolves around sports. I originally went to school for journalism with aspirations to be a baseball play-by-play announcer. I haven't completely given up that dream but that who discussion is for another day. What I'm trying to say is sports pretty much are my life. All this Kurt Warner business during Superbowl week really brought that back home because he is/was one of my favorite athletes. I have his Rams jersey back home in Seattle. Oh yeah and he's a bamf and he's hot but I've thought that for years. :D
Anyway here are some of my favorite ever athletes (and some Steelers love for my almost always brain twin, Ashleigh).
Bret Boone - he is the reason I'm into sports. [Extremely] long story short: I saw him at the 2001 All Star game on TRL and I was like "he's hot and he plays for Seattle! Yay!" I started to watch baseball because of it and have been hooked since.
Tino Martinez - technically the first player I ever fangirled over. He played for the Mariners back during their epic 1995 season and I just loved him. Oh yeah and he's definitely good looking too. I also discovered sports slash because of him and though there is only one Tino story (Tino/Mussina - it's like 4 chapters?), it's amazing. Check the tags on
yankeeslash if you want to read it.
Ben Davis - I would be surprised if anyone of you knew who he was. He was the back up catcher for the Mariners for a few seasons (2002-2004?) and really wasn't that great. Definitely didn't live up to his potential. I'm not going to lie, I pretty much just like him cause he's hot.
Drew Bledsoe - if there are any Pats fans on my flist then BOO TO YOU (jk... kind of). Even though I'm not a WSU fan, Drew grew up in Washington and is a native guy. One of my favorite quarterbacks of all time. Also, not bad to look at either. I hate the Pats for putting Brady over him after he got hurt. Although there is a really good article in one of my old ESPN magazines about it. I have to drag that out the next time I go home.
Kurt Warner - I'm being all spammy with him because I love him and am so sad they lost the Superbowl. I didn't say I thought they would win but I did say it would be a better game than people thought (which it was) and I've always said he was hot and a bamf. Back when I used to vhs tape various stories/specials on the news/TV about my fave athletes, there was a Beyond The Glory of his that made me love him so much. It was back with the Rams - long story short he has a great story to share and is a great guy. Unfortunately that is not on one of my tapes. OMG there was also a show on CSPAN that he was on too that I didn't get to tape. :( REGARDLESS I FREAKING LOVE THIS MAN. He needs to be in the Hall Of Fame.
Peyton Manning - he is just a BAMF, plain and simple. Best quarterback in the league by far. Plus he is ridiculously funny (SNL anyone?).
I have never seen that pic before. YES PLEASE.
Brett Hull - I love hockey. I was raised on hockey. My brother used to play it, I even briefly played it, my dad coached it. It was in my blood. I still love hockey. I don't keep up with it as much as I do other sports but I still love it. Brett Hull was always my favorite, especially with the Red Wings. ESPN did this documentary called "The Season: Detroit Red Wings" and it was one of the funniest things I ever watched. Also, not bad looking.
NICK MOTHER FUCKING COLLISON - Before the Sonics moved to Oklahoma City (I don't even want to talk about it) they were my team and Nick Collison was my absolute favorite. He can be a starter, come off the bench, play power forward, center, PUT HIM ANYWHERE AND HE'LL FUCKING PLAY. He may not be the best player on the court, but you can tell he's giving it his all. He just plays the game the right way. Also, he really wanted the team to stay in Seattle and was the most outspoken about them leaving. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. Also, I think he is pretty much one of the hottest guys ever. Like if him and DC were standing on the street and I had to pick one, I would probably pick Nick Collison 9 times out of 10. IT'S JUST A FACT.
Oh and for Ash:
Ben Roethlisberger - I like him. I think he's a great quarterback. He's actually one of my favorites in the league. And I actually like the Steelers. I JUST DIDN'T WANT THEM TO WIN THE SUPERBOWL. Now you owe me a story, Ash.
Anyway, I know this makes me look like I just like these athletes because of how they look but that's not true (well except for like 1 case). I really admire how they play and what they bring to the team. Besides, who wants to see a picspam with a bunch of uggos? LOL
Maybe my next picspam will be CILFs (coaches I'd like to fuck). HAHA.