Nov 27, 2004 11:14
Well, thanskgiving is over...pretty nice lil holiday, i have so much stuff to be thankful for its amazing....i love my family....and the wonderful oppurtunites and gifts ive been given <3
Laker game on friday night, pretty disappointed in the way the ended the game..shoudl have won...o well still a good game. Today is saturday, and im painting my room..along with cleaning for the walls...i wanna do a tunnel effect...with two opposite walls dark blue...and the cieling, and the two other opposite walls ligh/sky blue, makes it seem liek there is light at the end of the tunnel, i figured itd be tight.
almost forgot about friday morning, 2 am, brent jonny beans chaz and Dbags went to best buy, they went all out, i just got a nice lil headunit, getting it installed in 20 minutes...if anyone knwos ne thing about subs or amps....let me know.
I hope everyone enjoyed there 4 day weekend and everyone had an awesome thanksgiving...