Mar 25, 2005 15:52
I've never really realized how limited people are on the net, especially if you can't look at porn. Porn makes up, what, 25% of the internet's capacity, and since my family's around that's 25% I can't use. Man that's a lot of porn. I'm pretty sure that I've never accidentally ran into the same porn site twice. Of the remaining 75% another 25% is complete and total shit. It's childish humor, or some waste of cyberspace, such as research papers, college websites, email sites, and websites dedicated completely to religion. Who the hell wants to read any of that? That leaves the user with 1/2 the internet (for half the price if you convert to NetZero!!!) to be explored of actual good humorous stuff. Half of that 50% is tied together and seem to share videos with each other. Once website gets a good video the rest of the "pool-sites" get the same video and show it to the rest of the people who didn't watch it in the first website. The remaining 25% is the best internet. (Well besides the porn of course) Websites like: or or
These sites are the glue of the internet, but are continually crapped upon for not being part of the other 50%. (Porn is somehow not considered a valuable part of the internet by the other portions, but I guarantee that without it the internet would've died by now) Gaming sites are right out, as many are hosted by email sites and are made by less than mediocre Flash animators. Almost always a cheap ripoff of a classic game, the internet games are less than shitty replicas with only a few minor details changed, which is just enough to allow the animator to put a new name on the program and call it their own. Net games? No thanks. To me the only, truly valuable part of the internet is the filesharing. The legal excuse for piracy, filesharing allows an internet user to get free media downloads from other people who put the stuff on their computers. Gotta love it. Sorry Hetfield, sorry Ulrich. It's called lending. And by the way, why would you put so much effort into destroying a major company like Napster, and then retaliate with such a piece of shit album as "Saint Anger". was right with their "Napster bad" cartoons. You guys suck. Especially you Ulrich! At least Hetfield has some talent on him. Somehow I hope this gets to you guys. I hope that somehow I will have a friend, who's got a friend, who's got a friend, who's somehow got your # and he tells you everything I'm saying here. You should know the truth. Saint Anger sucked. Hardcore. Pretty much everything after Reload was terrible. What a letdown. From "Enter Sandman" and "One" to "Saint Anger" and "Frantic". You have just lost yourselves a fan amigos.
Anyway, back to the net. It's crap for the most part. I guess what I'm trying to say is, if any of you find a good site that you'd think I'd like then let me know. In the meantime I'll be downloading Ride the Lightning
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