Oct 09, 2008 19:31
Ok, so I get on the elevator at work, it's 7 AM, there are two other people, one gets off on the 9th floor, one gets off on the 11th floor, but Diane doesn't get off on the 14th floor because the elevator doors close and then the elevator decides it doesn't want to work anymore. Diane notices that her floor button is no longer lit and the elevator is not moving. After using her pass card to go back to either the main foor or any floor of the parkade and noticing that nothing is working, she hits the help button where she has to get on her knees to talk into the speaker, after first getting hold music (oh look, elevator music, literally...) and getting someone in Texas, yes, you read it right, Texas, who tries to get you to do all sorts of things like pushing the open door button (do I really want the door to open to show me I am stuck between floors or better yet, open to a cement wall? No, not really...) and pushing other various floor buttons which I have to tell her that we are in lock down til 8:15 AM and our pass cards are coded to floors deemed necessary only to each specific person...the floor you work on, the main floor and the parkade...so she tells me that she is sending someone (hope they can catch a quick flight from Texas...) and she confirms my building address and also tells me to press the alarm button every 2 minutes or so to let EVERYONE know you are stuck in the freaking elevator! Well, I was by myself in the elevator, I had a large Tim Hortons coffee, a granola bar, a newspaper and I didn't have to go potty so I really didn't care how long it took to get me out. After a while, maybe 15 minutes or so, the building caretaker shows up and asks me if I'm stuck in the elevator (no, I just don't want to go to work so i thought I'd sabotage the elevator so it wouldn't run...). I yell through the door everything I had done and he simply says I can't help you but says that he's sure that someone is coming to help. A little while later, the building manager shows up and asks me if I'm doing ok and if i'm clastrophobic or anything like that. i simply tell him I'm fine and I have a coffee and newspaper and not to worry...he tells me that someone is on the way and will have me out quickly and he would come back and check on me...geez, good thing the walls where padded (it was the elevator they use for moving stuff in the building) in case I went nuts or something! :D Well, time passes and I see the elevators doors being pried open, and turns out the doors just shut and the elevator didn't go anywhere, so I walked out, where the elevator repairman appologized profusely about me being trapped in there. I simply said thanks and walked up the stairs to the 14th floor...45 minutes later...7:45 AM...didn't seem THAT long...what a way to start the day...