Jan 25, 2008 20:46
Thought, typed, written.
Laughed, smiled, loved.
Frowned, yelled, slept.
Worried, cried, bled.
And that's only the tip of the iceberg.
You may not realize it, but I've done a lot of things because of you. There's things that I need to get off my chest. Things that, frankly, you need to know.
But if you won't answer, then how I am I supposed to tell you?
If you want to stop everything, at least give me some sort of warning. Just so that I can get this out the way I've been getting out my other frustrations for the past few days.
Screaming doesn't help me anymore. Not if there's no one to interpret it.
You were always good at helping me... all I want is that help again. I would give too much to have that again.